Dr. Arlind Myftari DMD, MD
Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Implantology
Dr. Arlind Myftari DMD, MD (Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Implantology)
He was born in Tirana and finished his studies in Dentistry and graduated from the University of Tirana in 2007. After some years of experience, he qualified after a full- time 4-year specialization course in Maxillo-Facial Surgery and graduated in 2015. He also graduated from the University of Tirana in Medicine, a degree which enlarges the horizon of his greatest passion, Surgery. He is a Maxillo-Facial Surgeon at the Mother Theresa University Hospital Centre of Tirana and knows best how to deal with complicated circumstances. Surgery of the face and jaw, esthetic surgery, dental implants, overdentures, different bone augmentation intereventions, facial trauma treatments, skin cancer and oncology are among his skills and interests. Dr. Myftari has attended several courses of Head and Neck Dissection in London, England and recently in Vienna, Austria. He has been a member of the EACMFS (European Association of Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery) since 2012.
Work Days:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday